We are beautiful
I had a beautiful idea...
(well, actually it's not original)
there is a website
say it's called something like:
The Adoptee Quilt
piecing together a family
the main page shows a patchwork quilt of images
each image is a link to one adoptee's story
the quilt grows with each voice
and each square gets smaller and smaller as our numbers grow and the scale and extent of our struggle is revealed
each square illustrating a very real person behind this topic that's been brushed aside
each adoptee can upload the image they want to appear on the quilt
each adoptee can post their grief and loss or some creative writing or artwork and personal photos
each adoptee is told they can register as a name in support of adoption reform (which we will work tirelessly to draft and campaign for)
a former friend was a graphic designer on a similar project for breast cancer survivors.
but the quilt was linear and not dynamic, and the default quilt fabrics she chose were kind of lame
it was not half as powerful or as inherently meaningful (given the subject matter) as this could be.
does anyone know of a bonafide web developer skilled in flash programming that could help me get this project started?it has to be really beautiful and elegant
i believe it would be very profound and moving
for us
for our loved ones
for those considering adoption
for those considering our arguments for adoption reform