exposing the dark side of adoption
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Why do we push??


Why do we fall for someone so fast, yet we push them away? I know that emotionaly trust is a huge issue. But I am determined not to let it ruin my next relationship (if that chance ever comes again). Does everyone get overly jealous and extremely needy? I trust the one up above that he has a plan for me and I've heard that he does not give you more than you can handle, but why did he choose me? Somedays I can not take even the slightest rejection. I read into things way too much which sends my emotions into a downward spiral which can only be stopped with the contact of others. I reach out to empty air, grasping for anything. My hope is to find someone, that lets me grab ahold but does not take advantage of my scars.

by originalpup on Thursday, 02 November 2006