exposing the dark side of adoption
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Quick! I need a sedative the size of Texas, because Pertman's Adoption Issues are killing me!


Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaattttttttt is Adam Pertman doing?

I ask this because there are a lot of serious significant adoption issues plaguing the USA.

There's quack therapists trying to do what they can do to help right the wrongs done by too much time spent in crap foster-care and horrible orphanages.  [See: Do the terms RAD and Attachment Disorder mean anything to you? and Attachment Therapy.]

There's an ENORMOUS amount of child trafficking done under the guise of adoption.  [See:  Child Trafficking]

There are adoption scams a-plenty, preying on those who have no <bleeping> idea what  "Adoption", as a legal practice really means!!  [See:  Adoption Scams and "informed consent"]

And of course, there is the issue of abuse in foster/adoptive homes.  [See: Abuse Cases, as they can be seen as Abuse Cases, per sending country]

BUT, Daddy Warbucks of the American Adoption Industry has been busy.  He has been busy promoting/selling his latest book, and he's going on and on about one of the lamest versions of ALL adoption issues plaguing adoptees.

Pertman – a former Pulitzer-nominated journalist – is also Associate Editor of Adoption Quarterly, a research journal dealing with adoption and foster care. He is the author of the just-published book, "Adoption Nation: How the Adoption Revolution is Transforming Our Families – and America."  CLICK HERE to visit Pertman's blog.

The White House released President Barack Obama's original long-form birth certificate Wednesday, seeking to put an end to persistent rumors that he was not born in the United States. What does the release of the certificate mean to those of you who work in the adoption community?

 The most pointed message was for adopted people, who are the only group in America who are legally prohibited from accessing their own original birth certificates.

If that document is so hugely important – to quote my tweet on the subject – when do they get to see theirs? I hope one ray of sunshine that emanates from this bizarre birther controversy is that it shines a light on the access issue. Adoptees shouldn’t be punished simply because of how they entered their families.

[From:  Adam Pertman: If the president's birth certificate is so hugely important, when do adopted people get to see theirs?, April 28, 2011 ]

OBCs, and rights of adoptees?  This is the best "a former Pulitzer-nominated journalist" can come-up with when discussing rights in Adoptionland?

Original Birth Certificates for older American adoptees, from the closed era of adoption?  Really Adam Pertman? Are you really that stuck in the 70's, man? You can't find something ELSE to focus on, when given yet another 15 minutes of major network news-time?  Can you at least discuss FALSIFIED documents, as they still exist, and are used in Adoptionland (as part of an illegal adoption plan?)  How 'bout THAT info found in an child's "adoption records"?

Good healer-of-humans, I am sick, and in need of something stronger than anything Texas could build, or concoct.

The only smart comment that came from the man from the Adoption Institute, was this little blurb:  "Let’s get rid of the dinosaurs and the special challenges –  "

Yes, Mr. A.P., let's get rid of the dinosaurs and "special challenges" in Adoptionland.  Maybe then the USA can begin to see the dawning of a new era, one that brings true adoption reform. 

(Do I get an AMEN, brother Pertman?)

Because you know what, if The Internet and adoption are like the Wild West, (Pertman's infamous quote after the Baby Tamia case made news...),then we Americans need a new leader to show how adoption OUGHT to be done.  Cuz, here's a newsflash.... foreigners are looking at Americans like we're bumbling retarded idiots, totally incapable of caring for our own, and totally wrong for adoptable children living in foreign orphanages.

Take that tip to your local (foreign) adoption agency, like Friends of Children Amici dei Bambini

by Kerry on Thursday, 28 April 2011