If anyone has ever forwarded homophobic rationalizations for disallowing same-sex couples to adopt, chances are they're based on the work of George Rekers. Same for reparative therapy, a.k.a. holding therapy for the queers.
And if George Rekers' dubious, agenda-driven scholarship on gay parenting was right, PPL would be packed to the gills with case archives of the few (by comparison) out gay parents permitted to adopt, despite being easy targets for discrimination and violence-fueled homophobia in this area.
Alas, that is not the case. And as it turns out, the evidence is stacking up pretty heavily that George Rekers himself is a closet-case.
An officer of the holding therapy outfit National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), and, with James Dobson, a founding member of the Family Research Council, George Rekers is one of these well-paid professional bigots who makes a living haranguing gays both in the public sphere and in the legal one. Until 2008, Florida was the only state in the US that bans gay adoptions, outright, of course using the now-standard "risky lifestyle" and what-about-the-children arguments. They had the expert testimony of George Rekers in Lofton vs Sec. of Florida DCF(1977) to thank.
A recent (Feb 2010) publication has him again making the specious pronouncement that children adopted by gays are gonna run out and commit suicide.
Sadly for George, he was caught in this salacious Miami New Times article taking junkets with a young male prostitute who advertises his services on hardcore gay site, rentboy.com. As noted at cbsnews.com, Rekers has "disputed but not denied" the story and asserts rentboy.com was not where the two met (though he doesn't say where.) On his blog, "professorgeorge" claims he shared this web page on how to have a personal relationship with God with the young man. Wonder what other information on personal relationships was shared on the trip.
For their part, the Family Research Council has wasted no time in distancing themselves from Rekers, who promotes himself as an expert on teen sexuality. I'll bet he is. Dobson, people may recall or may not know, is the class act who instructs Christian fathers to take showers with their young sons so the boy can see the man's large member.* Getting wet and naked with your child of the same sex, we are told, will --- wait for it --- stop the young man from becoming one of the queers. No wonder they despise NAMBLA; FRC must think they're the competition, apparently.
There oughtta be a law banning gay kids from being adopted by Christian fundamentalist homo-bashers; instead the latter are the aggressors, who cry big tears of victimization when they are not allowed to use the law to oppress. As can be expected, Rekers also promotes himself as the model parent. Would it surprise anyone to know that Rekers is also a foster- and adoptive parent, himself? He's said to have adopted a young man, 16, four years ago.
I certainly hope for that young man's sake that he is not gay.
*While the original article at the FoTF site was scrubbed years ago, it was always available at archive.org. In researching this article, I was unable to find it there. So a link to freerepublic, a conservative site that republished the article, will have to suffice.