Onward Christian Soldiers!
Don't know how many read this little blurb, found in Christianity Today.com.... but it seems Orphans on Deck was written to help recruit new business:
"If every Christian church in America produced one adopting family for an older child, we could wipe out the list of 'waiting children,'" said Ekstrom, who spent 25 years as president of the Christian Family Care Agency in Arizona. "And if God's people were responding to this need, the issue of adopting by gay people wouldn't be an issue. All the children would have homes."
For those interested, John VanValkenburg, spokesperson for the largest adoption agency in the world, Bethany Christian Services, was mentioned in the article, reminding readers BOTH political parties have supported a federal tax credit for families who adopt— making adoption that much more attractive to those still sitting around doing nothing as them damn gays keep wanting to start their own damn families.
Nice job bridging opposing political sides so all good Christian folk can reach a higher understanding, isn't it?
Truth be told... I'd rather be adopted by a loving non-married gay couple, than radical religious whack-nuts. But hey, that's just me, a person adopted by two Catholics stuck in a miserable marriage.