User profiles
Over the last week we have added better looking and more interesting user profiles to PPL.
While PPL has kept changing and improving its format over the last three years, our user profiles have remained the same. Not so anymore, over the last week we have added new software to the website to make the user profiles both more attractive and more functional. Up till now the user profiles showed nothing more than "the animal within", a brief introduction each member has to fill in when signing up, and whether one is an adoptee, a person from foster care, an adoptive parent, a first parent, a foster parent, or none of the above. Since we always liked "the animal within" we have kept that as a central feature on the new profile pages, but we have added many more features.
Each profile page now comes with a tab called "User profile", which allows each member to fill out many more details about themselves. None of this is mandatory, but the informaton filled in, will be presented on the profile page.
The profile page also contains a buddy list, making it easier to get in touch with and check new posts from other members and a list of posts you have recently contributed too.
Many of the pages on PPL now have a voting option. All posts you vote on will be shown in the list "My favorite posts" on the profile page. The higher the vote the higher it will rank in that list. When topics have been voted on, they will show on the profile page under "Topics of interest".