Fulfilling Needs
When I was placed for adoption, I was fulfilling the needs of a growing industry rooted in infidelity and infertility. [For some, this has turned out to be a really sick "Social Service".]
The man and woman who relinquished me needed freedom from accountability and responsibility. [It is what it is, as I see it.]
The woman/wife who adopted me needed to have a (perfect, smart, loving, affectionate) daughter. [Her own mother was seen as such a huge failure and disappointment... at least that's how the daughter always saw it.]
The man/husband who helped her adopt me had his own private need: shut-the-woman-up. [I can only imagine how much he wanted an end to her constant chronic complaining.]
The family memberS within that adoptive family who used me sexually had their own needs, as well. <silence>
As I got older and showed promise and talent, the Aparentals had new needs and desires. [A few years ago I found papers that show just how much my life was being mapped-out for me and my future success. What a huge disappointment I must be.]
When I started dating, I learned the needs of my boyfriends didn't differ much from the needs of the family members who became my first-teachers. ["(You) do as I want, and (you) don't complain, or I will leave and/or hurt you."]
I got married to a man who had his own special needs: please his mother and sisters, and put an end to their worry and concerns. [Seems good Catholic boys must relinquish the fun/crazy bachelor days because they have to get married and have babies before Mom passes away.]
I need sleep.... but I can't get it. [At least the house is finally dark and quiet, and nothing is needed from me... but that will soon change.]
The man I married refuses to give me the divorce I've been wanting for years. <more silence>
I'm awake because all my life, I have been fulfilling the needs of others, only to realize.... all those years, no one was there for ME, when I really REALLY needed it. <now I lay myself to sleep... >