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The Nuts and Bolts of an Adoption Home Study contd.3


Health Statements

Most agencies require a physical exam of prospective adoptive parents, or at least a current tuberculosis test (X-ray or scratch test). Some agencies that only place infants with infertile couples require that the physician verify the infertility. Others just want to know that you are essentially healthy, have a normal life expectancy, and are able to physically and emotionally handle the care of a child. If you have a medical condition, but are under a doctor's care and it is under control (for instance, high blood pressure or diabetes that is controlled by diet and medication), you can probably still be approved as an adoptive family. A serious health problem that affects life expectancy may prevent approval.

Income Statement

Usually, you are asked to verify your income by providing a copy of your paycheck stub(s), a copy of a W-4 form, or an income tax form (1040 or 1040 EZ). You will be asked about your savings, insurance policies, and other investments and debts, including your monthly mortgage or rent payment, car and charge account payments, etc. This helps determine your general financial stability. You do not have to be rich to adopt; you just have to show that you can manages your finances responsibly and adequately.

Child Abuse and Criminal Clearances

Most States require by law that criminal record and child abuse record clearances be conducted on all adoptive and foster parent applicants. This usually involves filling out a form with your name (in a woman's case, it would include her maiden name and former married names, if applicable), date of birth, and Social Security number; possibly getting the form notarized; and sending it to the State child welfare and police agencies for clearance. In some States it might involve being fingerprinted. The authorities will check to see if you have a child abuse or criminal charge on file.

Misdemeanors committed long ago for which there is a believable explanation (for example, "I was young and foolish and did what the guys expected me to...") usually are not held against you. A felony conviction, or any charge involving children or illegal substances, would most likely not be tolerated.


The agency will probably ask you for the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three or four individuals to serve as references for you. These might be close personal friends, an employer, a former teacher, a co-worker, a neighbor, or your pastor. The social worker will either write a letter to or talk to your references on the telephone, asking questions about you that you have already answered yourself. These would address such areas as your experience with children, the stability of your marriage, if applicable, and your motivation to adopt.

References generally are used to get a complete picture of a family's application and an idea of their support network. Approval would rarely be denied on the grounds of one negative reference alone. However, if it were one of several negative factors, such as ill health, a questionable criminal record, and a poor work history, or if several of the references were negative, the agency may not approve the application.

You should pick as references people who know you the best. If possible, they should be individuals who have known you for several years, who have seen you in various kinds of situations, who have visited in your home and know of your interest in children, and who are also able to comment on your lifestyle. For instance, they should know what some of your hobbies and interests are. These kinds of references are the most useful and compelling to the social worker completing the home study.

Found at http://home-study.adoption.com/adoption_home_study_process.php

See also:
by Baby Girl Mona on Saturday, 23 January 2010