exposing the dark side of adoption
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Sins, sex, and an adoptee's memory


When I was dating, my Adad used to tell me he had a little bird telling him where I was and with whom, at all times.  

When I was young, my Amother used to tell me my first mother was a drunk who had sex with men at the bar.  [Years later, my non-id info from a social worker told me otherwise.]

Although sex itself was rarely discussed, (it was almost always avoided at all cost), I was supposed to understand two simple rules -- "Boys will be boys" and "Good girls don't have sex", (they wait until they are married before they do).  

I should note, my Aparents had a "shotgun wedding", back in the mid-sixties.  We - the kids - were not to know.  [As if the blue suit my A.mother wore on her wedding day didn't give something away, even to a little girl who loved to look at wedding photos?]

It's amazing to me how quickly a wedding can change everything -- even illegitimacy and "unwanted pregnancy".

Today I read a short story called "A Slut Just Like Your Mother".

It's sobering to think just how many bastard children were made to believe the sins of their mother and father would belong to them, too.

It makes me wonder, just how many bastard children in this world have been punished because "the parents were no good"?

by Kerry on Saturday, 07 March 2009