Another Possible Treatment for RAD?
I'm back! My youngest child is now 18. We made it through some tough times. Hopefully, now, I will have some time to particpate in this site. I am still working as a full-time R.N. in psychiatry, I was remarried on 11/29/2008 to the great guy I've been with for over 5 years, and as happy as someone with Adult RAD can be.
I haven't been able to read everything on the site that I've missed over the past 2 years, so I don't know if it's been discussed or not, but what about Regression Therapy? It occured to me that, if an adult can be taken back to early infancy, and receive the closeness, love, and care from someone important in their life (like a spouse), that maybe a trusting bond could be developed, and lessen the damage done.
Just a thought! Any opinions?