Child without a Face
"I wouldn't say it is anybody's fault," he told a journalist. "There were a number of factors that led to [the failure to identify JR as a child at risk]. Some of them were to do with systems the agencies were operated [sic], and also, we must remember that within these organizations there are individual human beings and where their core role, the day job, isn't primarily concerned with protecting children, and is concerned with providing support or treatment to children…and, in some cases, adults, and it's human nature to be optimistic about situations where there's nothing definite to go on."
These were the words of Chris Few, independent chairman of the LSCB Following publication of a review of "Child JR Born September 2005 Died November 2005" by Northamptonshire's Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Of the 30 or more 'professionals' that came into contact with the baby during the last 10 days of her short life every one managed to absolve themselves of any blame. 'Optimism' is obviously the new word for 'forget her, she'll be alright'.
Not one photograph exsists of Jessica Randell in life. No one ever bothered to take one. Her 54 days of life consisted of continual sexual and physical abuse by her father. 20 or so fractures, new and old, blood clots, bleeding and bruises, cuts and abrasions, all corrupted her under-weight frame. Any physical signs where invisible through the glow of optimism it would seem.
A paediatrician contacted a GP and health visitor because of "welfare concerns". A child protection nurse was told that social worker involvement would "compromise" the health visitor's relationship with the parents. Oh forever the optimist! Yet another innocent babe failed by Social Services.
Rest in peace little Jessica, in your name I will keep fighting for change.