exposing the dark side of adoption
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Just a Ramble


I have  been at PPL for a week now, still can't find my way around but hey, I never did have any sense of direction!  I thought I would share my rambling thoughts with everyone. Firstly, I love it here.  All  the members are as unique as the site is diverse. Everyone has their own experiences when it comes to issues of adoption and  many different view points.  For most of us the scars from adoption are as raw as could be. Inside I frequently cry for my inner child that got lost somewhere between letting go and moving forward. Floating in limbo, surfacing every now and again to shatter my head and  remind me all over again of the hurt and loneliness I tried to forget.  I doubt very much that I am alone with those feelings.

Adoption should be scrapped! If only. Forget the word adoption just for a moment (before any one pounces, I said forget the word adoption not forget adoption) If  adoption was scrapped  tomorrow what is there to replace it? All children deserve the love and security of a family, keeping it real though, not all children are ripped from their mothers arms or torn limb by limb from family. families break down, parents die, extended families don't always exist, and guess what, some mothers don't want to bring up their child! What then. I don't have the answers (god I wish I did) I only have opinions, my opinions.

I am a mum and would never willingly part with my kids. That is how I feel and I cant help how I feel. If a mother genuinely doesn't want to bring up her child, she cant help it, it is just how she feels. No amount of persuasion could change my mind about parting from my kids just like no amount of encouragement and offers of support would make a mother who genuinely doesn't want her child suddenly change her mind. Not because she is a bad person but because she cant help how she feels. None of us can help how we feel, but we can help who we hurt along the way. So what is there in place now for these kids. I know this has been a topic here lately but fear of having my head chewed off and spat out stopped me from posting to it. Not only do we all have our own experiences we also live in various countries with varying adoption laws. We do though all have one thing in common, we are here. Every single person here recognizes the need for changes We all have two important things. Hope and opinions. We need to hold on to our hope and share our opinions. We wont all agree with each other but  we can  listen to each other and get a better all round understanding of this adoption shit. We are all on the same side and we all want change.

There my ramblings are over! feel free to attack, but gently!

xx xx

by tina on Saturday, 13 October 2007