exposing the dark side of adoption
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For Vanity's Sake


My oldest, Alexa, no longer wants her desk in her room.  Why?  It takes too much space, I suppose.  It's a beautiful piece of furniture, with a built-in-book-shelf that can be removed, if she'd like.

For Christmas, we gave her a TV to have in her bedroom.  We let her watch it before she goes to sleep.  I believe in the sound of laughter before drifting off into dream-land, so she has a DVD player and DVD's and a timer... and she watches them as her go-to-sleep-time.  (When she was little, she used to have nightmares about dogs and fire, and always required me or hubman to sleep with her.  Four kids, that's impossible.  She's 13, she can have a TV in her room now.)

We bought the desk when she was 7, thinking she would have it in her room to do her homework.  It turns out, the kids do their homework at the kitchen table, after dinner.  It makes sense she doesn't want a large desk in her room... she wants space... her own space, to do what she wants, her own way.  That desk was my choice, not hers, so I should let her take it out of her room like she wants to.  (I've been resisting the idea)


It hurts being truthful with myself.  I need to let-go of my input in my daughter's life.  She's 13.  She should be able to control her own bed-room.  It's HER room.

The good news is I have another little girl in need of new furniture!

by Kerry on Friday, 14 September 2007