exposing the dark side of adoption
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A Holy Cost to Living and Lying?


I've been perusing the various Children's Homes websites, as I often do, because I believe many of these abuse-stories are much like those in American Foster-Care/Adoption family abuse cases.  The simple truth is, any time a child is separated from his mother, for whatever reason, for whatever length of time, that child is going to be anxious and upset.  It's called Separation Anxiety.  After all, a child needs his mommy. What happens during that separation can mean a world of difference in that mother's and child's future.  Mother's are told by their child's pediatrician's "your child will grow out of it".  How many adult adoptees, adult migrant children, adult foster kids and adult orphans have attachment , trust, or bonding issues?   I believe they are rooted in unresolved separation anxieties.  Mothers want their babies; children need their mothers.  Not enough is being done to preserve that bond because too much money can be made elsewhere.  Need proof?  One doesn't need to look too far beyond the pages of Amnesty International or Unicef to see how pregnant women are treated by certain groups within our society.

It seems much talk is still taking place in the UK about Dan Hill's book, "The Forgotten Children" as the article "Orphans of the Empire" made headlines days ago. [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/education/article2139344.ece ]. As a book promotion this is not surprising, as we have our own new-releases to promote on this side of the pond, as well.  [ See Unlearning Adoption A Guide to Family Preservation and Protection].

What fascinates me are the discussions.  So many people want their stories known.  So much abuse has taken place, yet it has been held in secret shame because parents and elders have told children to keep quiet.  That sort of pressure manifests itself in other ways, especially in a child.  People need to see how many are still suffering.  It's not one or two here and there. And it's not just children.  These suffering children have grown to become adults still in silent pain.  These adults have grown to be parents themselves.  How fit are abused children to parent?  Did anyone ask that during the Closed Era or Migrant Days?

I'd like to know what the cost of a child's life and soul is when it gets lost to abuse, shame, neglect and secrecy, and how church and state agencies justify their separating what God put together in the first place.  Who keeps hurting mother and child, and why?  Is there a holy cost being paid for all this shipping and handling of children in the name of God and "Family Salvation"?  Where is there "charitable deed" if it leaves a child and mother broken for their remaining lives?  These things need to be discussed and the stories need to be read as yet another election year rears it's head.  Watch, read and listen as candidates pontificate the virtues of family values and remember through the eyes of the child:  all efforts need to be made for mother and child to remain together.  Adoption should not be a profit making option.

For a starting list of website links of Children's Home's start here:   Former Child Migrant Groups

There is no shame in being honest and wanting to share stories of your youth.

by Kerry on Wednesday, 01 August 2007