exposing the dark side of adoption
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Alert-developing situation!Exploring the link between financial domestic abuse and forced adoption.


It is an "election" year where I live. Much of the argument promoting and passing social policy legislation  is "copy cat" policy from either the UK or more recently from the US. Arguments on both sides often favor extreme rhetoric and no median view which tends to encourage social polerization within the community against "unpopular" social groups (single mothers in particular and those so impoverished they are forced onto accepting welfare being the main focus) within the community.(For example) In the course of my exploration into this  issue I discovered that I live in one of 2 developed countries which has no meals services in schools, and no plans to introduce a service, and often the community actively opposes such moves,  and yet is engaged in "full on" promoting of hunger in schools as a "child abuse issue". This does not make sense!?

There is much political lobbying around (woe is us) child abuse, but this issue too has been turned into a propaganda exercise which demonizes ordinary (Impoverished ,jobless appearing) parents whilst simultaneously ignoring any suggestions about constructive solutions other than welfare fraud possibilities by recipients and welfare eligibility tightening and surveillance of welfare recipients. I have noticed a "disconnect" between the public and private arguments and the promotion of  social problems as political issues. This is rapidly creating a 3 part social division of the community into "rich", "working", and "poor", each with their "own" system of "governance",using ideology disturbingly familiar to the sort promoted at the turn of the last century when the nightmare of the "baby scoop " era began.

I see a distinct connection between financial abuse at the core of family violence and abuse. This environment makes it easy for incoming regimes to appear to be "doing something" to meet social inequities whilst still enabling abusers to get away with abusing by proxy- eg deliberately abusing a woman's children (to obtain whatever benefits) rejection accrues to the abuser(s). Financial abuse is often at the heart of these matters, but is sidelined by the sensationalist publicizing of selected cases of the worst incidences of physical abuse. The effect is to bring "all"(mostly "poor" parents) under suspicion of being potential abusers. Only suggestions that promote routine universal surveillance and total control purchase choices for   "welfare " recipients, especially sole mothers aged teens to early twenties,  seem to be acceptable as "solutions".This affects about  one third of the vote, against two thirds of the community. So to that end I am passing the following link onto your site for your examination-

(Please excuse the type format-I'm not yelling, the settings just won't reduce the font size !


World4Justice (Lobby Forum) Justice4Children NOW!


Will revisit Pound Pup later on and join the discussion. Cheers, happy browsing folks! Hope this will help open a new and meaningful perspective and awakening, it opened my eyes to this other reality.

by dandelionchain on Friday, 26 August 2011