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Danut: Do Not Sell Me, Mr. Prime Minister

Translation of the article of Adevarul 1 October 2004 :
Do Not Sell Me, Mr. Prime Minister
"Ziarul de Iasi" publishes in its edition of 30 September, the request of a 4 year old boy staying with his foster parents from the Madarjac village in Iasi county, not to be adopted exceptionally by a Spanish couple. "Do not sell me, Mr Prime Minister", Danut asked - through the local newspaper - the chief of the Executive, who apparently signed the recommendation by which the orphan child will be the first derogation from the moratorium on intercountry adoptions.
The paper - with Government heading and the PM’s signature and with lots of papers to prove the material and emotional advantage of the Spanish to become the boy's parents, and although they have never seen him, they desire him badly. "He was chosen from a photo album", said Maria Trifan, the foster mother of Danut. "I do not want to go to the Spanish mother, Danut said, who has a diagnosis of slight metal handicap and asthma, but the mental handicap has diminished since he has been with his foster parents from Madarjac. "If I were told they would take away the payment for his maintenance, I would bring him up along with my other children", said Maria Trifan. On 4 October the Iasi judges will judge about the recommendation of PM Nastase breaching the moratorium on intercountry adoptions and Danut's fate. Danut could be adopted by the Spanish parents who "forgot" to say that they adopted another child from the Ukraine in 2002, an omission that has been noticed by the judges.
2004 Oct 1