exposing the dark side of adoption
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Chicago tribune

A Douglas county grand jury today indicted Mrs. Howard B. Ott, 46, of Roseburg, for second degree murder in the death of a Korean orphan she adopted.

The child, Wendy Kay Ott, 22 months, died June 14.

She was one of more than 100 Korean orphans brought to this country for adoption by Harry Holt, a Creswell farmer. The indictment charges Mrs. Ott. with with killing Wendy by striking her on the head. The child was brought to the United States last October.

Mr. and Mrs. Ott also have three other adopted children. One of them is a 19 month old Korean orphan also brought to this country by Holt. Ott is manager of a building supply firm here. 

1957 Jul 19