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Psychotropic drug use in foster care - Red Item Report


This report highlights the findings of a study conducted by the Florida Statewide Advisory Council about the utilization of psychotropic medicines among foster children. A review of case files for 1,180 children living in therapeutic foster care revealed that more than half were taking at least one psychotropic medicine. The children taking psychotropic medicines were an average of 12.7 years old and had been in care for approximately 11.5 months.

Children not using psychotropic medicines were an average of 7.5 years old and had been in care about 5.5 months. Forty-four percent of the children taking psychotropic medicine had no record of a medical evaluation and many did not have an identified psychiatric diagnosis. Proper consent forms were obtained for less than half of the children using psychotropic medicine. Thirty-eight percent of the case files had no documentation of consent and 15 percent had forms signed by an unauthorized person. Very few of the children were monitored for side effects of the drugs.

The Statewide Advisory Council recommends that the state initiate a quality assurance program to oversee the appropriateness of prescriptions for children after alternative interventions have been used. The state also should ensure that informed consent is obtained in writing with a review of benefits, risk, and other treatments. Finally, medical records must be kept up-to-date.

2003 Jul 1


red_psychotropic.doc (648192 Bytes)