exposing the dark side of adoption
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Number of US Domestic Adoptions (Where's Arkansas?)


Number of U.S. Domestic Adoptions

1,400,000 (1.4-million or 87% of all adoptions) were domestic adoptions in 2000.

   200,000 (or 13% of all adoptions) were of foreign-born children

1,600,000 - Total Number of Adoptions in the U.S. in 2000

     -U.S. Census, 2000

FY Estimated 2002 U.S. Domestic Adoption Totals, by States Reporting,

of 50,000 U.S. Children Adopted from Foster Care, published by

North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC), Summer 2003

Alabama 279



Colorado 891
Connecticut 564
Delaware 132
D.C. 313
Florida 246
Georgia 1,054
Hawaii 366
Iowa 880
Kentucky 552
Louisiana 474
Maryland 965
Minnesota 627
Missouri 1,350
New Hampshire 144
New Jersey 1,364
New York
New Mexico
North Carolina 1,359
North Dakota 2,165
Oregon 1,118
Pennsylvania 2,020
South Carolina
South Dakota 145
Tennessee 922
Texas 2,292
West Virginia 361
Wisconsin 939
Wyoming 50

190,000 children were adopted from foster care in 1999
     -U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, AFCARS Report

50,000 children were adopted from public foster care in 2001;

  • 50% were male;
  • 50% were female;
  • 38% were White;
  • 35% were Black;
  • 16% were Hispanic

-U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, AFCARS Report 


Value & Costs of U.S. Adoption

$1.4-billion is the "value" placed on "adoption services" in the U.S. despite only

138,000 adoptions in the same year, 1999;

11.5% is the projected annual growth to 2004;

$10-million is the average gross income for larger adoption agencies in 1999.

       -Marketdata Enterprises, Tampa, FL - http://www.mkt-data-ent.com/

$60,000+ is the "average cost" of a private adoption in the U.S. since 1999.

     -Reported by adoption agencies to Amy Thurston, Spokesperson

       National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, Washington, DC


$0-$2,500 is the cost for domestic public agency adoption in 1999;

           attorney fees for finalizing the adoption are additional;

$4,000-$30,000+ was the cost for a domestic private agency adoption;

$8,000-$30,000+ was the cost for a domestic independent adoption;

        -National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, Washington, DC


$140 million was appropriated in Y-2000 just for Block Grant Title XX,

            adoption and foster care.

           -Adoptalk, Winter 2000, Newsletter of North American

              Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC)

$67.3 billion, conservatively estimated, is spent for the 3 symbiotic systems of

            foster care, adoption, prisons (not including private foundation

            grants, private post-adoption psychotherapy, all juvenile detention facilities,

            nor monitoring of 2.6 million parolees/probationers, nor counting privatized

            prisons in 27 states).

             -Chosen Children at http://TheChosenChildren.com 

             [Documents that former foster kids & adoptees are over-represented in prison the population.]

Well maybe Arkansas isn't in here cuz the rarity of children becoming adoptable thru our corrupt system is slim!