exposing the dark side of adoption
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First Annual Demons of Adoption Awards


On october 4th the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute will hold their annual Angels in Adoption gala, where several people will be honored with the Angels in Adoption Reward.

To raise a voice against adoption propaganda and this self congratulatory practice, we are proud to introduce the first edition of the annual Demons of Adoption Awards.

The winner of this year's Demons of Adoption Award will have the sole priveledge to have the above banner on their website.

This years nominees are:

By voting You can help decide who will receive this award.

Who should receive the Demons in Adoption Award 2007
34% (45 votes)
7% (9 votes)
8% (10 votes)
37% (49 votes)
11% (14 votes)
5% (6 votes)