exposing the dark side of adoption
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Adam Crapser

2015 Apr 1

Korean-born Adam Crapser faces deportation, due to a criminal history. He was adopted, then rehomed, was readopted by convicted child abusers Thomas and Dolly Crapser.
2013 Sep 17
Patt Henderson was 18 months old in 1973 when he was adopted in Panama by Edgar and Hedwig Henderson in 1973. The Hendersons were stationed in Panama on military assignment. One year later they returned to Ohio with Patt who was lived here since. Pattrick did not learn he was not a citizen until he tried to enlist in the Army. Then issues with paperwork minor legal skirmishes prevented him from obtaining citizenship.
Patt was arrested for missing an ICE court hearing when his friend's car broke down. (Patt cannot have a driver's license)

Status: In ICE Custody
2012 Oct 30

Russell Green (Lim Sang Keum) was born to a Korean mother and an American soldier and has lived in the U.S. for over 30 years. He currently faces possible deportation to Korea – a country whose language he cannot speak, where he has no family who recognizes him, and that revoked his citizenship as part of their adoption laws.

He arrived in Massachusetts from Korea as a 12-year-old boy, but after only a few months, his “forever parents” returned him to the adoption agency before his adoption was finalized. Russell was then placed with a single foster parent living in Brooklyn, New York who cared for older boys and who promised to adopt him. Although this foster parent renamed Sang Keum “Russell David Green,” he did not legally change Russell’s name, adopt him, and facilitate his naturalization.

Instead, he exposed Russell to alcohol, marijuana, and abuse and set him up for a lifetime of addiction, danger, and pain. The agency failed to facilitate a permanent family and home for Russell as a U.S. citizen. Through its irresponsibility, it reduced him to a condition of statelessness, which means in effect that he has lived under constant threat of deportation. Russell’s ties to the U.S., which he considers his home, are deeply personal. Although not being officially adopted, he is regarded as a son by an elderly American couple who have loved and cared for him for over 20 years.

He is a father to three children who were born in New York. Russell’s story could be any intercountry adoptee’s story. A child is vulnerable to the neglect of the receiving country and its adoption agencies, which are bound to act in her/his best interests. As immigrants who journeyed to the U.S. to be adopted, we in the adoptee community and our allies cannot allow these unjust deportations. Children do not come to the U.S. of their own volition to be adopted. They should not be vulnerable to deportation as adults because the intercountry adoption system failed to uphold their rights when they were children.

Man named Kim

2012 Aug 3
A man with the last name of Kim was deported in 2007 after an issue with drugs. Adopted in 1973, he learned he was not a citizen after his parents died. After 5 years in South Korea, he robbed a bank since he was unable to support himself.
In Korean http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/08/03/2012080300287.html?news_Head3

Status: Deported
2012 Mar 4
Monte was born in 1970 in Korea and was sent to the U.S. in 1978. Although he served in the U.S. military, he was deported to Korea in 2009. Monte claims that when he was arrested, he did not know that he had been set up by his truck driving partner to transport drugs. Like most other Korean adoptees sent to the U.S., Monte is culturally American and does not speak Korean.
2011 Nov 22
Born in South Korea in 1974 and adopted by a US family in 1997, Tim Yee was deported after legal troubles. He was recently found homeless and injured in Itaewon district of Seoul. (Tim Yee and Jungbo Mo are believed to be the same person, if we are incorrect can someone let us know?)

Status: Deported

Seo, mother of 3

2011 Jan 20
31 year old mother of 3, adopted from South Korea in detention pending deportation.
2010 Nov 30

Fatima Desrosiers was brought to Toronto at age 12 from a Brazilian orphanage. She was placed into custody of Children's Aid after running from her home when her potential adoptive mother threatened her with a knife shortly after placement. Though she was a ward of the Crown, no one obtained permanent residency or citizenship for her. She has 5 children. At age 34 she faced deportation, and was ultimately deported to Brazil.

See also http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/34463

Status: Deported
2010 Apr 20

Tara Ammons Cohen was adopted from Mexico when she was 5 month old. In 2008, she was arrested on drug-related charges and now faces deportation to Mexico.

Status: Unknown
2009 Oct 13
Rudi Richardson was adopted by a US military family in Germany in 1957 when he was 2. He is US military veteran. He was never naturalized and deported to Germany from the US in 2003 at age 47. He now lives in the UK

Status: Deported